Price List
Price List
Optional Extras:
Air Conditioner Units (Up to 3 units)
Important Note :
Please allow a couple of seconds for the available properties to load. Scroll Down List : Click on the “Reserve My Unit”
button. Availibility is shown as “1” . If “0” it means that the unit is already reserved. Check back in 48 - hours to see which
units have become available. You will have 48 hours to complete the Offer to Purchase whereafter the unit will be placed
back into the market. The unit availibility shall remain “0” until for the finance application process and thereafter once
guarantees have been provided. Use the Coupon Code for your Free Dishwasher as you received per e-mail.
The price list explained:
Important Note: Please allow a couple of seconds for the pricelist to update/load……
By Reserving a Unit on the Price List you are not buying anything. You are merely
“Reserving a Unit” until the Offer to Purchase (OTP) have been accepted and to ensure
that the unit is allocated to you.
Please send your completed Offer To Purchase to Raymond Sweetnam or contact him
should you have any further queries